Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Dance

Dance with me this dance of death,
feel upon your neck my toxic breath.
The taste of flesh is al I need,
All I want is to make you bleed.
Dance with me,
This dance of sacrifice,
Give to me your eternal life,
Show me pain,
thats what I love.
Don't Send fales prayers up above,
Let my voice hypnotize.
Let darkness cover your innocent eyes.
Dance with me,
this erotic Dance.
Join my eternal world
this is your chance
to come and dance.


Love begins With a smile, Grows with a Kiss and ends with a tear drop. I'm scared to fall in love, Scared to fall fast, Because every time I fall in love it never seems to last. I'm cursed to miss someone right in front of me. Cursed to always have blood stained hands. Cursed to lust after humanity but left only to taste it.