Sunday, August 21, 2011
love for granted
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Freedom of Feeling Alive.

This feeling of electricity buzzing through me has been a long time coming. At sunrise I jumped out of bed, grabbed my long board and headed up the canyon. I just got new barrings for my board and wanted to do a speedy yet soulful ride to test them out. Short meditation, my tunes, got the mellow and I'm ready to start my therapy. Close my eyes.......take in the mountain air, feel the rhythmic beat of my heart match my breathing. The music notes begin to catch in tempo with my body's internal time. I open my eyes and push A quick down slope curves to the left and my legs glide to my heel side and my barrings kick in. The burst of adrenaline seemed to speed up the music as my body became loose and free. Corner after corner, I catch more speed with each bend music notes swirling faster around my wheels. Every element around me was in perfect harmony. As I come over a slight incline the song ends, the sunrise casts a long shadow in front of me on the black pavement. Now going at a less sketchy speed my entire body melts is one with the board....the wheels.....the ground and to the heavens as some reggae music floats me on home. Sweet loven life tunes moving my body in carving smooth motions. Relaxed and free, I felt the most internal and satisfying emotions swell and release. Stress, worries, every stone on my shoulders lifted. Passions are what motivate us, passion drives us, without our passions there would be nothing. Live for your passions, Strive for your passions and do it.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
One That I love
One That I Love
The sensation of your touch.
Perching eye that reach my soul
In my heart you’ve filled a hole
I want to tell you so much.
I wish we were the same.
So hard it is to find one to trust.
To my horror keep it I must.
So sudden to my life you came.
My wings have been lost.
I only dream to fly
To be free of all the lies.
Is our amity the cost.
My heart is torn in two
To tell and risk losing you
Or to keep it hidden from your gaze
I feel so lost within a maze.
-Courtney L. Jones -
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Hearts We Keep
This matchless heart gives passion to summers starry night,
Temptation grasped through the rhythmic melody of its voice,
Quiet sobs of domestic ache unveiled it to the sensitive sight.
Musical incentives of alluring freedom gave it no other choice.
The mysterious romance that it yearned for mischievously I gave,
Nights of shameful treachery bore oblivious sensual mornings.
Barbed chains of refuge hidden by innocent dreams became enslaved.
Thoughtlessly I mastered corrupt deceit giving no warning.
Its emerald eyes with tears of unending pain reaching far in its soul,
Jealous guilt and broken trust danced mockingly of love growing thin.
With carnal pride I blindly indulged and lost self control,
Alas eternal turmoil scorches these veins and thrashes ivory skin.
Thick crimson streams stains the walls of its empty glass cell,
Anguish rattles these sturdy bones as stars fade in a new light of day.
Time doth heal the wounded song guiding it to a peaceful swell,
The demon solemnly drifts to the depth of lasting memory to stay.
In the distance, the dark will observe out of unrequited reverence
This new serene spring breeze that now caress hearts desires.
Honest hands gently cradle the beauty’s now fragile trust.
Let the nightmares cease and be still this fallen angels dust.
Friday, March 11, 2011
My Familys Legacy at the end
Since we have advertised that we are closing our doors I cannot express the emotions that I have felt. Many customers that have been loyal for many years come in and make token purchases, while the talk about the many memories they have here and of their homes that we have furnished. I swell inside with pride and joy that my fathers hard work and exceptional customer service have given so many satisfaction. Then on the other hand I see new customers that have lived here for over 5 years that are brand new to our store and have purchased from out of town. They scoff at our prices and expect us to bend over backwards for their purchase, which now we don't have to do. It angers me that so many go to other cities to purchase local items. The local economy will not thrive and many other stores will continue to close their doors.
Christmas parties, birthdays, dinners and many more gatherings have supplied these walls with memories and stories to tell. I'm very proud to be apart of this legacy. I'm extremely proud of my father for the choice he has made. Through all the stress and hardships he has always found a positive end to things, the negative reactions of some to this news never made him twitch. I love my father for teaching me so many things and different view points when it comes to business. I'm proud of him for doing the hard thing in a hard time and taking responsibility for it. I thank all of our loyal customers that have kept us around all these years and for the many friendships we have made through this. I love my family and the legacy we are ending and I cannot wait to discover our new legacies to come.
Virgo Women
One thing you need to know about a Virgo woman — she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that she is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just that she can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she mean real love, no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is a complete woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other female has, but she is not weak. Infact, she has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her mind to it.
She will be completely devoted and loyal to you in a relationship. Still, if it doesn't seems to be working, she will severe all the ties and become as cold as the North Pole. Virgo women's characteristics profile is an odd mix of emotions and practicality, romance and common sense. When they fall in love, they show such extreme passion and intensity that only few other women can. Making them fall in love is, however, an entirely different task. They will demand total perfection from you, even though they may fall short in that arena.
It's better to get used to their critical nature. A Virgo girl believes that she is extremely efficient and organized and what is more annoying is, that she is right. She is a stickler for time and it's better not to be late when you are meeting her. She will not break the new, expensive vase when she is upset, but she can be very demanding and fussy. If the fault is yours, admit that you are wrong and say it while handing her the flowers. Don't even try to argue, or she will lose her temper again.
It is better to leave her alone for sometime and she will cool again. On the other hand, a Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that she is wrong. The fact is, most of the time she's not. When you are courting her as well as after you get married, it is advisable to mind your manners. She cannot tolerate someone using abusive language, coming late, dressing sloppily, not minding table manners, etc. It's better to brush up your vocabulary too. She will not cling to you, nor will she become totally aloof.
She is also very good with finances and extravagance is not one of her personality traits. A Virgo female cannot stand public displays of affection and it is better to be subtle in this area. Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed. If you are trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc. Just like a typical Virgo, she is prone to worrying about things too much and she will do your part of the job too. She is very much attached to the ground and prefers to live in the real world.
You let a Virgo female do her part of making things seem just perfect and she will keep you entertained with all her feminine charms. She is very sensitive and her feelings are pretty fragile, but she will become exceedingly strong when you need her support. With kids, she will be very considerate and you will never see them running around in their underclothes. She will be gentle, but firm and will demand complete discipline from them. Even though a Virgo woman is very critical, she will not take criticism very nicely. It never works the other way round for her.
The reason for this is that she is as aware of her own imperfections as she is of yours. So, she doesn't need you to remind her of her own shortcomings every now and then. Instead of fretting over her perfectionism, you should feel blessed to have such a charming female who never makes your house look like a garbage dump. Your toast will never get burnt and your coffee will always taste just perfect. She has a witty side too and when she laughs, it seems like the ringing of little bells, doesn't it!
Bill gates letter to high school students
Rule 1: life is not fair- get used to it!
Rule 2: The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: you will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You wont be a vice-president with a car phone untill you earn both.
Rule 4: if you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity
Rule 6: if you mess up, ITS NOT YOUR PARENTS FAULT, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room
Rule 8: your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.